svilen dobrev: am i making software - by people, for people .. '2012 INTRODUCTION: rondo capriccioso in your face i trust. and weigh you. right now. (may i help you) get out of your box, please? i didn't quite hear..., sure? g'day then. this is about me. a CV (-lisation is a thin varnish: laws work only if inside people, not on outside. or it all turns softwareish). which means... nothing to COVER: software is a twisted talk between people, across space and time. 5 minutes ago you were different people. funny or not, but metaphysically, all software is about turning something into nothing. if only zen had a motorcycle.. people are software is people. machines are machines are machines. OBJECTively.ORIENTAL: what is it what you want? lets make a language for that. python is a twisting animal. good start to make it what we want. how long it is... about 38 parrots, 5 monkeys, 2 elephants - depends on instruction set, weather permitting. EDUCATION( first 7 years do matter): the next 13 too. so i packed 16 inside them. learning is catchy. why is important. what is eternal. how is ephemeric. reasons are irrational. being is real. balloons are balloons. "nobody can be unhappy with a balloon" said Pooh. here, balloony industries. one can't make a decent thing if never has been an user of it. because cant differ practical from absolute, and math is easy - but not real. PERSONAlia: children live. we only try... i love to allow them to. i'd love to allow me to. do you have a mood? how about attitude? can you ask questions? can you allow to be advised? virtual is real (with a thin borderline inbetween), but my real is not your real. and i am picky. compiler-like. i sense it all. no faking. no smokes. no religion. no TV. no war. no noise. please. all else is possible (i foretaste it). i smile.. i get ideas. they're for free. i'm not. what i want? i want peace. and fun. i cook. love. dance. hang out the washing. play. with things. i change. i program. you. i live. i care. it's all my fault. or as my sister says, if god is DJ, we are the music. so i am bulgarian music. it knows how to live. sometimes even how to work. inEXPERIENCE: is sometimes a blessing. * i go very long to avoid having to go long. and i Do It Myself. * i hate when a new thing has gaping defects - turns fun into bug-fixing. i may fix them. source or not, dripping tap or sharp plastics. * once i managed to reduce one installation of windoze to half of it. it didnt start anymore. he doesnt call me anymore. good. * made a language-machine for people to express entangled labour legislation. would've been easier to disentangle it first - but no, burocracy would die. * taught a blind girl -via mail- how to record an LP into mp3. hear on site. * did some meta-data-architecting. now my kids know their way through thousand fairytales, songs, films, whatever (go away, nonsense). still put a CD back onto it's place. * dont do horse racing. the 1000 terminals in singapore run my software. * imo, with time, places change people. otherway happens noticeably only while coming in / switching on. * i went to Australia to see how it is. some years later, i went back to Bulgaria to see how it is. now it's again some years later.. * we are asleep 99% of time. we only live at those Ahha! moments. when change is. Find a friend to be your senses. i do have some. REFERENTIAL( integrity): * "Very dangerous and probably crazy! His ideas can twist your mind, still taking you where you didn't even know you'd like to be!" (Hr.Stanev) oh boy, he's still with me team. poor guy. he has to stand me smell and my whole music collection. akha, pipers, elp, sitars, bach, all that jazz. CONTACTable: chances are,, or az @ svilendobrev _ com, as some call it, has better stuff than bugger_off if dont_like_it else you'll step on a change. or so they say... ciao # vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab